Welcome to Folville Junior School. Folville was built in the 1930s, originally as a girls’ secondary school and became a junior school in the 1970s. The building has kept many of the original features, enhancing its character and charm. Folville is a true community school, educating many generations of Braunstone families.
At Folville Junior School we have high expectations from pupils, staff and parents. We provide a fulfilling and enriching curriculum, emphasising the fun and enjoyment of learning.
We are a large junior school with nearly 360 pupils on roll. We are proud that our school community is made up of many different nationalities, speaking over 30 languages.
Without the teamwork and commitment of staff and parents, Folville would not be the successful school that it is. I am proud to welcome you to our family.
Mrs Cooke
Head Teacher
“Pupils love learning in this engaging and joyful school.”
Ofsted Feb 2020
“Expectations are high for everyone.”
Ofsted Feb 2020