Family Support
We recognise that it is a very difficult time for all of our school community and in this section will be adding details of local services and support, with quick links to websites and contact numbers.
It is our current aim, during this pandemic, to support everyone and where we can not directly support you, we will try to provide the best possible links to outside services.
All of our staff are committed in supporting families and we endeavour to make verbal communications, by telephone with all our parents and carers at least once a week. We are supporting home learning, and teaching staff are working very hard to deliver a enriched remote learning programme. Your child's class teacher is contactable on Class Dojo, and you can call the school office (0116 2824368) during school hours. We have an emergency contact number which can be used outside of school hours, but we would ask you only to use this number in an emergency - ( 07731 620990)